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Vintage White premium weight 100% cotton certified organic TSPTR tee with water based ink print
Los Angeles’ The Source Family was led by a charismatic, white robed and long-haired guru known as Father Yod aka Ya Ho Wha. In a previous life he’d been Jim Baker, a former US marine who served in the Second World War before moving to Hollywood to become a stuntman. A martial arts expert, he had once killed a man in self-defence and subsequently registered his hands as lethal weapons. He left Jim Baker behind after becoming fascinated with esoteric spiritualism and soon made himself the patriarch of a commune of 150 young people who lived, worked and slept together in a mansion known as The Mother House in the Los Feliz neighbourhood of Los Angeles. They supported themselves with the profits generated by their vegetarian health food restaurant The Source, which at its early Seventies peak was bringing in $10,000 a day.
Ethically made in Portugal