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Running used to be subversive, weird and wonderful. It used to celebrate the existential search created by pushing the body to its limit. Back in those halcyon days of the Human Potential movement people ran together sharing the experience. Being part of the pack was important, clubs sprang up across the US and became havens for those who "got it". For those who still "get it" today we give you CLUB TSPTR, join up today and receive :
- A copy of the TSPTR SS23 Journal - 104 pages, Perfect Bound, 27 cm x 21 cm, full colour
- A pair of TSPTR 'Fun(gi) Run' Socks - Heavyweight athletic socks, size 6-11, made in England
- A rad enamel TSPTR 'Fun(gi) Run' pin badge
- A handy TSPTR field notebook
- A TSPTR Aesthetics West sticker pack - 5 glossy vinyl stickers
- CLUB TSPTR Membership Card
Beating the competition is relatively easy but beating yourself is a never ending commitment.

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