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Vintage White premium weight 100% organic cotton TSPTR tee with water based ink print

The cover of a March 1970 edition of the LA Free Press newspaper, asked “Why California?” in response to the overwhelming number of cults that had made the state their home. California had found itself home to cults since the early 1800’s and probably before. The cultic aberrations of Southern California are thought to be an accidental by-product of its geographical location. Cult movements, once beset by local authorities or angry mobs, have always moved ever westward and Los Angeles was the last large metropolitan area west of Chicago.

By the 1940s the West Coast had become a haven for outsiders and esoteric groups. Synanon, the Solar Lodge, Agape Lodge, Church of Satan, Heaven’s Gate, Children of God, the People’s Temple, Scientology and the Manson Family among many others all found homes and willing acolytes in the Golden State.

Ethically made in Portugal