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Vintage Black premium weight 100% cotton certified organic TSPTR tee with water based ink print
"And there's this guy from the CIA and he's creeping around Laurel Canyon..."
- Frank Zappa, Plastic People 1969
Hidden in the Hollywood Hills there was a top-secret US Military base, that is still enveloped in strange mysteries. Lookout Mountain Laboratory, located in the heights of Laurel Canyon, was a secret base of operations for Cold War filmmakers and scientists. Its story, however, reaches beyond those secret, but confirmed, areas into the 1960s counter-culture, the rise of the hippies, and a notorious CIA ‘psy-ops’ conspiracy that may have used the doped-up denizens of Laurel Canyon as unwitting test subjects. Add in Marilyn Monroe, escapologist Harry Houdini, the Manson murders, and a possible alien autopsy and you have the perfect Hollywood conspiracy.
Ethically made in Portugal